Smash-Up on Interstate 5 1976


When a massive crash involving 39 vehicles and 14 deaths takes place on the freeway, the story then goes back in time 43 hours where we learn in countdown time segments, what brought the victims there.

All Titles
  • US: Smash-Up on Interstate 5 Smash-Up on Interstate 5
  • FI: Highway 5 - Tuhon valtatie Highway 5 - Tuhon valtatie
  • FR: Carambolages Carambolages
  • DE: Smash-Up on Interstate 5 Smash-Up on Interstate 5
  • IT: Fine di un giorno di festa Fine di un giorno di festa
  • NO: Katastrofealarm på Highway 5 Katastrofealarm på Highway 5
  • PT: Tragédia na Auto-Estrada Tragédia na Auto-Estrada
  • ES: Colisión en la Nacional 5 Colisión en la Nacional 5
  • US: Smash-Up on Interstate 5 Smash-Up on Interstate 5
Released 03 Dec 1976
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